Power Eye PeeWee Marked 150m
It.№: Power Eye PeeWee Marked 150 m

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Power Eye PeeWee is a product of YGK produced specially for Tailwalk. It is a 4 strand braid made by the WX4 technology of YGK. Extremely durable and strong line, every 10 meters of it are in a different color to allow you to obsrve your casting distance and be sure at what distance your lure is.
- PE 0.6 - dia (mm) 0.132 - test lb 8 / 3.63 kg
- PE 0.8 - dia (mm) 0.153 - test lb 10 / 4.54 kg
- PE 1.0 - dia (mm) 0.171 - test lb 12 / 5.44 kg
- PE 1.2 - dia (mm) 0.191 - test lb 14 / 6.35 kg
- PE 1.5 - dia (mm) 0.209 - test lb 16 / 7.25 kg
- PE 2.0 - dia (mm) 0.242 - test lb 20 / 9.07 kg
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